This week was fraught with snowy delight, as we got dumped on. So as a good guy I've been out blowing the driveway. The crux of it all is that I didn't get a snow day. I took half of Monday off, because it was Sooo boring. Like 4 staff one client boring. Especially since the said client (individual) left at noontime. On the positive, I'm getting more hours Sat. night to make up for lost $$.
I love the snow, I love blowing it, and feeling my boot stepping on thousands of tiny snowflakes screaming in unison "CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH". I figure they will have their revenge on my poor body as the winter wears on, and I slowly start grumbling about how many times I have to blow the snow. But until then, I love it.
I saw the new Disney movie "Tangled" this week. It was pretty good, though I think the ending was a little 'rushed' and the relationship between Eugene and the horse could've played out more. Oh, and there was singing. I was looking forward to no singing. Anyways, there it was. The movie did tear at my heart, but I'm a sucker for true love, even if it is animated. Then again there are real people in marriages that could use more animation. Oh well.
I'm hoping to see the new Narnia movie this weekend. This should be pretty good, but the trouble now is that there are SOooooo many good movies coming out now ... There's Tron, then the new Gulliver's Travel, Yogi Bear, and The Fighter. Green Hornet starts on Jan. 14th as well. Good stuff. So in desperate need of a life. lol.
Still continuing my devotional series on the Book of Mark, through my other Blog 'The Narthax" Check it out if you have the chance. Really I do it just for my devotional life, and it forces me to be more consistent ... getting more out of it that anyone else.
In Gaming news, well, Star Trek Online has the newest update 'Season 3' that was just released on Thursday. It's got a new look for Sector Space, and tons of tweaks that really needed to get done. The biggest thing I'm looking forward to in the next few weeks, is when the 'Foundry' is released. Basically it gives you a chance to make your own Star Trek missions, and have people play through your scenario, and rate it. I'm thinking the release date is going to coincide with the Christmas Holidays. This game keeps getting better, and the developers aren't afraid of tweaking.
On Lord of the Rings Online, I'm just doing some crafting, and I have been cranking out a few levels on my new Champion 'Quandormir' I also picked up some new Wardrobe space, as Turbine had a 50% sale this week. The biggest cool moment was having my burg, Pojoh, get his Mathom Society Pony. The pony just look fabulous, and I think it's the prettiest horse in the game. Though other horses do have better looking 'stuff' on them, the Mathom horse itself is the coolest.
Other things this week. Ok, I've only been to the dentist twice in my life (that I can remember anyways), Once in '98, and last Wednesday. Still no cavities. Woot. Not all good news, as the Dentist wants me to get rid of one wisdom tooth, that is going to cause me problems in the future, but for now, I'm rejoicing in the lack of cavities. So, boys and girls, remember, brush your teeth, take your vitamins, and live clean. :)
Well, I think that's it for now. Been awhile since I've posted, and I've gotta do more... I think my "Narthax" blog is quickly catching up to this one.
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