Friday, October 12, 2012

Arrow Thoughts

Well, I watched the new Arrow series twice, and I love it.   It's very reminiscent of Batman Begins, but its got enough to differentiate it from the Bat that it stands on its own.   It's also brought to us by the fine folks who gave us Smallville -- and even the director of the premiere ep. was the director of the first ep. of Smallville.   But this is different in feel and in intensity which is good, and hopefully as the season progresses the writing and directing will strengthen and grow.   Here's the stuff that I love about the show after its first episode:
- The 5 years Ollie spent on the Island training and fighting -- the island was not deserted, and the mystery about this island is an excellent backdrop for us to explore.   There was a cool hint of Deathstroke's mask in the opening scene, which is cool, that and there are pics roaming around on the web of him
- The Queen family history is intreguing, and really makes me as a viewer want to dive into it more.
- Cameo's already showing up.   .. Merlyn actually being the best friend of Ollie -- very cool, and a nodd to Green Arrow's sidekick -- Speedy; and even a foe that popped up .. Drakon.
- Green Arrow actor Stephen Amell is perfect for this role .. crap this guy is buff, and you can believe that he is the Arrow.   No doubt he'll be doing his own stunts.   Also, the rest of the crew are great in their roles, the cast is awesome, and it'll be cool to see what they do with their characters.

I'm very hopeful about this.   Its looks good, has lots of potential, and as Green Arrow was one of my fav heroes growing up (suction cup arrows rocked!) I'm feeling the geekness.  Missed the ep?  Check it out on

1 comment:

  1. I fully agree with all of your points and as always written so beautiful and flowery. :)
